At this year’s I/O, Google again made a Developer Preview of the upcoming version of Android available for download. Thing is, it only ran on Nexus devices. Today Sony has announced plans to release a test build of Android M for Xperia devices as well. Here we see it running on an Xperia Z3 Compact.

There are a few things to keep in mind before you rush to the source link below. A wordpress error appears for links to the “easy-to-follow guide” and the “necessary software binaries” that you need to create a test image and flash it to your own device. Presumably, Sony will get around to fixing this, but for now there’s nothing to do.

This software, once it becomes available, will not be intended for your daily driver. Case in point, the modem and camera are not implemented. So yeah, this is seriously just for testing out your apps. Keep that in mind as you think about wiping your Xperia device.