The OnePlus One launched as an Amazon exclusive in India last year, but now the device is available for purchase on rival e-commerce store Flipkart.
The Indian retailer is running a launch promotion for the 64GB Sandstone Black variant, knocking down its cost to ₹19,998 ($ 315). The discounted price is valid until June 24, after which the phone will be back up to its normal price of ₹21,999 ($ 345). The 16GB Silk White edition is also set to make its debut in the coming weeks for ₹18,999 ($ 299).
Along with the offer on the OnePlus One, Flipkart is running a sale through which the Nexus 6 is available for just ₹34,999 ($ 550). The 16GB variant of the Mi 4 — which was discounted to ₹14,999 ($ 235) earlier this month — is seeing a further reduction in price to ₹13,999 ($ 220).
For those interested in checking out all the mobile-centric deals, be sure to download Flipkart’s app.
Source : androidcentral
Tags = Amazon, exclusivity, Flipkart, India, loses, OnePlus, selling, Starts
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