Protected messaging customer Telegram will get updated often with brand new features, yet it’s nevertheless 100% free of charge and has simply no ads. The most recent batch associated with awesome plus inexplicably totally free stuff contains the option to get more than two hundred members in the group, and really should that bigger group (or any group) need standard admins, that you can do that too.

Here is the changelog for Telegram 3. a few.

  • Groupings can now have got multiple managers with the ability to modify the name plus logo, plus add plus remove people.

  • Groups which have reached their own capacity associated with 200 customers can be improved to supergroups of up to one, 000 people.

  • Channels obtained a new Fast Share switch right close to messages.

Supergroups really are a feature customers have been requesting ever since Telegram launched using the 200 consumer limit. These types of groups are usually optimized to launch quickly despite more associates. They will be moderate by default, although, and will send out fewer left/joined messages.

Managers are also a brand new feature within Telegram. Automatically, all customers of a team are admins, but you can modify that in order to appoint individuals to manage the girls. Admins may remove customers, edit the girls name, and alter the group user profile picture.

The newest version wants be accessible, but we have it upon APK Looking glass too if you want it.